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The best RC Crystal - Wersja do druku

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RE: The new good white crystal BU - SmithRC - 19.05.2022

Just promote the products and look for really big distributors, not rude individual small buyers.
By the way, I found some distributors from Holland, Finland and other countries on dopek.

RE: The new good white crystal BU - SmithRC - 19.05.2022

Those who want to do big business, earn big money and really need it will naturally contact me on their own initiative, instead of complaining here like these people who don't even have tens of dollars.

RE: The new good white crystal BU - voice.of.voiceless - 19.05.2022

SmithRC You loser, don't insult us, because we have money, only we buy proven products, not waste. What is BU? You probably don't know. Only you will make money on this substance, and people who can sell people even shit wrapped in a ribbon.

Get the fuck off the bamboo.

RE: The new good white crystal BU - horsii - 19.05.2022


i'm pretty sure that if you are considered to be someone who does "big business", then for sure you don't want to be associated with sellers of questionable reputation who purposefully withhold essential data about product they're trying to sell to you, deflect any questions and tell you instead there's not a single thing in the world to worry about their product.

i guess you'd rather come out as a such shady merchant, than simply disclose the real, full chemical name of the thing you're selling, and make it apparent that it's worth next to nothing, or that you're trying to get rid of an illegal substance at best.

i wish you luck in selling your "BU" though. i'm not joking, i personally would have big problem selling things that sound like someone's choking on a bone and presenting these as a the new best thing in the industry so i would be impressed if you manage to sell this thing twice to the same person and they're not suffering from alzheimer's.

no wonder if you want to make living by lying to westerners, you either have to get a bunch of greedy lawyers or a chinese citizenship.
the second one even allows you to sell them fentanyl intermediates so they can make it pretty easy and kill themselves right after.

i don't get it, if you're doing what you're doing right now, at least you could market your BU as a some new kind of fentanyl and i'm sure retarded americans will go crazy, because seem that they can't get enough of buying things killing them. i am sure you will make a loads of money. and since it's not opioids, they can't overdose, so you can even sell them something else later.

please sell these things to americans. i bet you could do that on tiktok and still get away with it.

all jokes aside now - isn't china cool? you get to make your money by not caring about anything, AND your movies and tv shows don't feature black gays on wheelchairs. i wish i had it that good in here. i still wouldn't buy your BU, sorry. but i would watch your movies. i might be visiting your embassy this month.

RE: The new good white crystal BU - inspiron - 19.05.2022

ich podejscie do biznesu jest tak hujowe ze szkoda gadac Podobno kultowa

RE: The new good white crystal BU - krzysko - 19.05.2022

Po co mam pisac po angielsku niech se tlumaczy w google.
W ameryce duzo jest takich sklepow...
po co ? Nie wiem

RE: The new good white crystal BU - SmithRC - 25.05.2022

[Obrazek: 283191299_608441717504753_83360185104855...e=62920D7E]

RE: The new good white crystal BU - MarekToZiomal - 25.05.2022

Ładnie wyglasa

RE: The new good white crystal BU - Szyderca - 25.05.2022

Jedynie na zdjęciu Podobno kultowa

RE: The new good white crystal BU - Maniek - 25.05.2022

Kolega Scott testował BU i za jakiś czas powinien założyć temat i opisać w kilku zdaniach swoje wrażenia. Tylko, że on to miał od innego vendora.