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Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - Wersja do druku

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Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - Cifer - 08.03.2024

Hello, I often read that people here in the forum think 3-CMC is very good, or rather that it is the worst stimulant. I come from Germany and so far I've only heard from a mate that the stuff "cokes your synapses away" and then I really don't feel any pleasure at all.

Is he exaggerating? I would like to know what you know about it, is it better than NEP, MDPHP or A-PiHP?

Best wishes go out Big Grin

Witam, często czytam, że ludzie tutaj na forum uważają, że 3-CMC jest bardzo dobre, a raczej, że jest to najgorsza używka. Pochodzę z Niemiec i jak dotąd słyszałem tylko od kolegi, że ten towar "koksuje synapsy", a potem naprawdę nie odczuwam żadnej przyjemności.

Czy on przesadza? Chciałbym wiedzieć, co o tym wiesz, czy jest lepszy niż NEP, MDPHP lub A-PiHP?

Pozdrawiam Big Grin

RE: Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - kot_kreskowy - 08.03.2024

Hello LU Cifer 😎

cmc is neither better nor worse

it's just different

RE: Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - horsii - 09.03.2024


Its true that chlorinated m-cat derivatives - 2 / 3 / 4-cmc can ( CAN does not mean WILL, remember. People like to use these like its the same thing be more risky. The 4-cmc is the worst offender technicall because it is  very similar to 4-cma (4-chloro meth) and 4-ca (4-chloro amph) which are extremely neurotoxic compounds used in research to kill (or cook, whatever we call it, same thing) serotonin receptors. look up thes o wikipedia

Obviously 4cmc is not nearly as bad as 4-CA (the most toxic one) as it is n-metyhlated derivaitive of 4CA with beta-ketone group. Every single thing differing it more from original strutrue of 4-ca techically makes it less toxic, that is because the 4-CA is litetrally optimized to be as destructive for serotonergic neurons as possible can be a simple substitited amphetamine. this thing was made to destroy shit to the full so modifying the structure it in any way would make these properties weaker.  the beta-keto  (bk) group on the molecule of 4cmc (technically speaking 4-CMC is bk-4-CMA) if i recall correctly drastically reduces the half life of the comound so it "has" much less time to fuck shit up. ( if it really fucks shit up and about  that i wlll write in a moment). 

3-cmc is also for sure not healthy but has weak serotonin action compared to 4-cmc. basically lower the number of place wherer the chlorine atom is = much less serotonin release and overall potency also drops.

This shit is defnitely not healthy but i cant stop laughing while reading some posts on reddit. Every two days some 16 year old makes a thread  and posts stuff like "i did 1 gram of 4cmc yesterday. will i ever be able to enjoy mdma again? are my receptors dead????" like it is a fucking balistic missile filled with military nerve agent in it, shit like Sarin or VX. Seems the less people know about chlorinated methcathinones (cmc's), the more dumb shit they say about it

I remember one absurd story. a guy writing an wall of text about his groundbreaking research, which went as follows: he bought "3-mmc" (maybe it wass 3mmc maybe not. his seller claimed its 3mmc). HE did  few grams ih a short time, and  then to surprise to nobody except him, he experieced comedown. Not pleasant of course as comedowns are but it was not anything really awful from what he said. Guy mentioned He had a headache and with this he deduced that since 5ht receptors "are in head" (or something along these lines), and he is indeed experiencing a ache of a head, so something bad must be happening, of course he assumed that it was indeed a horrible holocaust of his 5ht receptors. He came to that conclusion because "he heard there is 3cmc being sold as 3mmc". Im paraphrasing this but this shit was like 3 times the length of  this  post. 

professional advice givers on reddit love to exaggerate. While theres some reserach that 4cmc is  cytotoxic (but it was not really because of similarty to 4CA - the paper was about 4cmc and no other chlorinated mcat, just some unrelated shit like alpha pvp homologues or nep, dont remember exactly, but  for sure nothing with chlorine and no other mcat derrivaives). iin such case this is not a revelation as i am pretty fucking sure all cathinones are cytotoxic in some way more or less. kids on reddit apparently do not distingush various typs of toxicity. Like, a-Pihp is  (not extremely, id say "moderately" - it was mentioned that it was defiitel more damaging than "average "  cathinone, and more than a-PVP) hepatotoxic and nobody seems to give a single fuck about it becasuse half of threads is about pyro tards smoking a-pihp or some close analogue  for the 25-th day and their main concern is not the toxicity, but the fact that now the room where they smoke smells like semen. ind me a RC that is NOT  <something>-toxic, thats the thing. we are doing drugs my friend. that's the game.  and these are rules.
If you wont be doing 25 grams off 4cmc per month like some deranged psycho i think you dont have to worry about this supposed terrrible damage that will fry your brain and then your house will burn down, and then youll get fired from your job and whatever other idiotic stuff that some of these obnoixious  reddit harm reduction cultists come up with. Just dont do a fuckload of it and not that ofte and youll be fine. 3- and 4cmc has been available everywhere for dirt cheap here in poland since 2014. For 10 years now people have been eating this shit  all the time. Its more common than methamphetamine in most parts of the country. Even thoguh It was banned in 2019 (analogue ban went into effect) nobody gives a fuck as you can see the stores here.

3/4-cmc along with mephedrone are absurdly popular in poland (generally m-cat derivatives, but 3cmc and 4mmc is god on the streets. sure stuff like brephedrone is cool but for kids any piece of crysalline substance is mephedrone. these two are everywhere, especially in big cities. Id even say it is such a popular and known drug of abuse in poland, and well know social issue,  as fentanyl  from mexico is in US. sure doing 4cmc  for 10 years is not beneficial for health  for sure but from what i seen, it seems that after all heads dont explode from doing 3cmc for few years and people dont get put on wheelchairs because of 4cmc, however that would be supppsosed to work. it is acutally kind of a joke mentioned sometimes, on polish forums about drugs, that we're putting absurd amounts of this inside our bodes for 10 years now and nothing while some dude on reddit is scared of brain damage because he did half a gram.

sure, 4-cmc brutally depletes so, so much of your serotonin but if you take care of yourself (likeL dont listen to reddit experts who disocvered these funny powders from the internet  2 months ago and they read 6 psychoautwiki articles so their expertise is worth as much as one gram of 4cmc here - next to nothing) - you will not somehow magically barbecue all your 5ht receptors and will  never feel anything like mdma. you would have to nuke yourself with such absurd amounts of this shit, im sure you would not "fry" your 5ht because you would die becuase either of serotoinin syndrome or metabolic acidosis  or whatever, before "cooking all muh receptors". just dont go full retard on doing it and remember to do what is needed to regenerate serotonin faster etc.  just don't act like a tweaker that has to be high 24/7 and thats it. motherfuckers in here have been eating tens of gram of 3 or 4c per mothh 10 years ago and are still doing it. and somehow mdma still works for them. of course they need high doeses but it is a gigantic difference between small amount of available serotonin drug can release and your receptor that the serotonin molecoule docks ihto literally being fucking dead, destroyed, not working, and as far as i know a dead receptor cannot be magically made alive.

research on this supposed evil cmc's toxiity is at best not very conclusive in actual speficic answers to specific questions like these asked by drug users, not by some researcher who - if cares about some properties of 3cmc - he doesnt give a fuck about these which are imporant to us, ones eating it.  and at worst its fucking bullshit and i could write better with no credentials.  the study that reddit people very ofteb like to link as "proof" was made by one polish woman researcher. when you look up her other works to see what she specialises in, you can see she is a very serious researcher, as she wrote an entire fucking thing about giving rats 4-CMC and coming to an amazing conslusion: rats given 4-CMC are moving faster than these who did not get 4-cmc. this is not a joke but literally the conslusion of the scientifc peer revieved study. she got money from the government to give rats 4-CMC and as a central conclusion of her study write that rats on 4-cmc move faster than these sober. this is the "research".   < ---- not a joke. polish taxpayers paid for 4-CMC that was given to rats, that woman wrote her revelationns, and this "study" was peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal. 

everything is neurotoxic. lotta shit is hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic. 6-apb is cardiotoxic. but the only cries being heard is HURRRRRR 4CMC BAD. yes, what a revelation. drugs are bad. some more some less. if it was THAT bad there is  no way the entire generation of polish teeagers and young adults and even people up to 50 would keep doing this shit every weeked for ten years and for 10 years nobody would notice any "horrible side effects" other than  classic stimulant comedown.

i did fuckload of cmcs. hard to be specific, but fuckloads. fim sure its was oveall more than 1kg of 3 & 4 cmc combined, and well guess what,  my 5ht is not grilled, 100-150mgs of mdma with reasonable breaks between doing similar monoamine depleting drugs and my diet consists of more than gas station hotdogs , and mdma still gets me hella blasted after all this shit. 

"western" (like west from there) interet chems enojyerrs love to cry about shit they know nothing about. in netherlands they have literally disovered the "cmc's" like 3 years ago, after 3mmc got banned.  there was no need at all of even thinking about some new similar mcat derivaitive as 3mmc was legal so nobody cared. we've been building a absolute fucking massive compendium of experiences and all fucking things about this stupid drug for yers while these crybabies were still sucking their thumbs. i would trust the first guys.

it is hilarious. ive seen posts where people are asking about if it is possible that  their whatever powder they bought (likely some cathinone  that is claimed to be not the feared chlorine serotonin. terrorist. They ask if it could be contaminated with said awful terrorist and it would be not fuy at all if they didnt talk about this shit like its fentanyl. shit's funny as hell.

 if you want to know , like, more actually legit info about these chlorine fuckers, ask a polish stim junkie, as they have been doing this stuff for like last  500000000 years so they know so much more than those both funny and sad peddlers of stories about how 4cmc caused whatever absurd shit, as most of these loud mouths who "just want to warn you guys!!!! its for your good!!!!!!!"  got to know about existence of 3cmc year ago and all they do is post literal  made up creepypastas about this chem based solely on someones similar post, and author of this post just pulled these revelations from someone's else ass and their imagination and amazing deduction skills , and they never ever had this stuff in their hands because they are so scared of it.  they do not want to save your receptors. they want funny internet upvotes from similar idiots who pat each other on the back as they "save many lives" becuase they told someone to not do 3cmc but 15 minutes later they post some gibberish praising some vendor (which you can not link. isnt it fucking stupid?) and his new chinese mystery opioid no. #9789373928 with zero information about this thing and made-up name sounding like someone choked on food. and this wonderful thing just dropped and it is amazing because they almost od'd after eyeballing and sleeping on a bus stop but yeah the nodding was so cash. who cares about structure. imagine you cant ask is "vendor X good" here . LMAO  how the fuck do you operate a drug forum and not allow mentioning drug sellers. these guys must beo on something other than regular drugs
still there are some brave soldiers on reddit who dont care about some  stupid toxicity or whatever, because it is
a) a drug
b) it works
b) it is strong
 and thats all they need so they're doing it. others even know about POSSIBILITY of some specific toxicity higher than - well - "default" as every drug is not a health thing. and noit is NOT "100% confirmed, heres a peer revieved paper in some journal" - these posts are made by people who talk about 3-cmc but if you ask them what is "3-chloromethcathinone" they dont know what the fuck are you talking about.
 god if i were listening to reddit advice i would be fucking dissolving powdered benzos in isopropyl alcohol (if you dont know, the result is acetone being produced as a metabolite by your liver. as you may know, this is not really beneficial to said liver. i am not making up this example of brilliace of reddit, mostly the mental asylum for teenagers abusing substances that is r/researchchemicals.

so, basically to sum it all up:

- no it will not fry your brain as some people like to claim  - most of the time such claims are made because it makes these funny people feel important and they get upvotes, and they feel importat because thanks to them today nobody died becase of 3cmc. and all of this on on a worst forum-type site ever, as reddit as a whole is awful. but that is for another rant, reddit is garbage tier, literally being everythig worst in almost all aspects. it is hostile to users, is a propagada tube taking orders straight from very rich interest groups, to being censorous more than communist censors in north korea, the website works like fucking shit, the mods are frustrated power trippers, and it just happens that so many commuitiies exist there becuase we are now so retarded as a society, that were not able to set up an internet forum. like this one. why bother, why get a forum and host it and it is your property and you decide what is allowed and not, when you can install a app on your phone and there are forums on everything except with all the shit i mentioned a moment ago and you are being censored and you cant decide for shit.

the biggest kind of "frying" 2/3/4cmc can do is irtitatig  sensitive tissue like inside of your mouth, tongue, lips etc. which is pretty not nice, because its caustic because chlorine obviously. not pleasant, but it is all the "frying" it can do really.  

- nep, mdphp etc are in general pure stimulants., mechaism of action of these is NDRI to be specific.  in general there is no euphoria as in "feeling mellow",  "love" and all that shit.  sure you will be talkative and wont shut up but there is no real serotoinin activity - rneithr release nor reuptake. in 3-cmc there is, serotonin release along with dopamine and norepinephrine. no reuptake.  mostly dopamine, serotoiin and noreph is next which makse it a short acting, moderately euphoriant and stimulant propertis being more pronounced but nothing overwhelming, 

- do 3 cmc if you want and disregard 15 year old fear mongers  who repeat same thing one after anoither literally the telephone game. try it if you want. it is a dumb cathinone, not some nerve agent dropped in middle east.  spit in faces of 3-cmc haters while peaking on half a gram of this shit. hell yeah brother. i got 40 grams of this stuff right next to me in a box but i had enough lately. lmao id even say if you want to try it, buy this shit right here, fro  a country that runs on cathinones. RC vendors dont care what is legal or illegal and its a staple drug literally. the effect of this is high quality and shit it cheap especially for most foreigers because our money is worth  about same as toilet paper and the chemists from labs in lets say netherlads are too much of a scared pussies too afraid to produce anything illegal. we got meth right up here on clearnet. check the stores from baners. and 3cmc too. and all kinds of shit thats illegal since like 1990. nobody cares. one of few benefits of living here

- ra homeless junkie under the bridge who is addicted to fent with  floor sweepings as fillers is on average more knowledgable about drugs than average reddit professional advice giver. also junkies are just straight up asking for cash for drugs,  they're honest in some weird way. "bro i ust want  to get fucked up. you know. got some spare cash? please". It sounds much more nicer than a private message on reddit from random account claiming to be absolutely 1000% legit vendor and he can get you everything, ust message him on telegram and he will get you a nuclear warhead bro. legit. no scam.

 While you will get scammed from money in this situation, and will probably be paying for drugs of some idiot scammer, the thing is he paid for his drugs with your money using deception. a junkie besides being more honeest simply asking for $20 and you both know its for drugs and he does not hide the fact, he may  even actually share some of his precious medicine with you as a "Thank you" for postponing his opioid withdrawal for 12 hours. while both variants sound not really  that attractive, if i had to choose i would waste no time and got straight to shooting up low quality fentanyl with the generous junkie, and  talk with him about whatever. 

just get 3cmc and hopefully enjoy this shit. just try if youre curious.  ou will not suffer any of these supposed horrible things nobody heard about

 i like it. in fact i cant think of any of my friend who does drugs but doesnt like 3cmc. and if you buy it and dont like it, dont worry, its almost free so well you still did not lose a fortune, not even close.

hope this post was helpful even though it is surely exhausting to read but it is fault of drugs i am on right now, not mine. and now i'm off doing some more. if you happen to buy 3-cmc and indeed enjoy the effects of this funny drug as we here do, go on the internet and spread the word. have fun lmao

RE: Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - Twilight Sparkle - 10.03.2024

Very, very good my friend. Your synapses will be fried to perfection. Crispy like KFC chicken xDDD

RE: Why 3-CMC/4-CMC? - Supernova - 10.03.2024

Ale się rozpisał kolega szkoda ze nie umiem języka hehe