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Opium from seeds? - Wersja do druku

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Opium from seeds? - Druids - 04.10.2024

Tried to posts this on reddit but pretty much all opioid related subs dont allow this so ill try my luck here (fuck reddit)

Ive found some poppy seeds in a local shop, they are labeled as "ecological" and theres a warning about washing them and not using more than 20g of seeds a day.

Now if these are actually unwashed poppy seeds im thinking of getting some and extracting the goods, but im wondering how should i go about it?

I was thinking of adding them to a bottle and covering the seeds with an 80% food grade spirit, shaking it every hour or so and just leaving it over night, then draining everything trough cheese cloth so i get as little particles as possible and then evaporating the alcohol.

Would this approach work? Also does it matter if i let the seeds steep for 12h or so? Ive seen post of people just making opioid water but they usually just shake it up a couple of times and then filter it.

RE: Opium from seeds? - horsii - 04.10.2024

why don't they allow it? lmao.
being a guinea pig eyeballing random chinese opioids with 50x potency of fentanyl is A-ok but making some poppy seed tea is not allowed? 
i mean, i'm not that surprised, i already knew reddit is mostly just a bunch of retards pretending to be smart but, yeah. Podobno kultowa 

Try this method:

Cytat:1. Put your poppy seeds in a plastic bottle. 5 liter bottle is enough for a one kilogram of poppy seeds, although you can put in much more pretty easily. Just remember not to fill more than  ~ 3/5 of it with seeds so that after pouring in the water, you can shake it more easily.

2. Pour lukewarm tap water (but don't use hot boiling water!) over the seeds so that all of our poppy seeds are covered by the water and there's a little more water above the seeds. Add a souring agent, such as lemon juice, powdered citric acid, vinegar, vitamin C. Citric acid is most widely used. Don't put too much. You want to get an optimal PH of 6.5. About 3/4 teaspoon of citric acid/5ml of vinegar per kilogram of poppy seeds is enough. Do not pour half a packet because you won't be able to drink it, and even if you do, you'll vomit.

3. Shake vigorously, then let it sit still for a moment, then shake again. Repeat this for about 20 minutes.

4. Unscrew the bottle cap, but just a little bit, so that when you pull it up it is still holding to a bottle and stays in place and at the same time there is a small gap, through which the liquid will flow. Drain the liquid to another container, when the liquid stops flowing, squeeze the bottle as hard as you can, to get out all the rest that's left inside.

That's about it. The liquid should have a yellowish color approaching brown and be bitter in taste.

You can repeat the whole process with used seeds to rinse out the alkaloids not dissolved and extracted the first time. Two rinses is the optimal amount. One may be tempted to do it a third time, but every time, the amount of alkaloids extracted obviously gets lower. You can also use a strainer instead of a bottle with a cap partially unscrewed, but this method is much messier, on top of making it more difficult to use the seeds for a second time.

RE: Opium from seeds? - Druids - 04.10.2024

(04.10.2024, 16:49)horsii napisał(a): why don't they allow it? lmao.
being a guinea pig eyeballing random chinese opioids with 50x potency of fentanyl is A-ok but making some poppy seed tea is not allowed? 
i mean, i'm not that surprised, i already knew reddit is mostly just a bunch of retards pretending to be smart but, yeah. Podobno kultowa 

Try this method:

Since you asked this is the response i got

"In an effort to ensure that quality seeds remain legal to buy and available to the public, and that people do not receive potentially harmful advice regarding dosage amounts, we are no longer allowing posts about poppy seed tea (this goes for pods as well) in public. It has been proven that law enforcement officers and legislators view this subreddit, so by restricting posts about PST we hope to avoid the attention of lawmakers and law enforcers who may see seeds as the next opiate trend to debase and debauch children. By keeping it out of the public eye, we hope to be able to continue to utilize this legalish gift from the gods.

Please direct all of your PST related posts or questions to r/poppytea. We hope to minimize visibility by keeping all mentions of tea in a much less surveilled subreddit."

fuckers directed me to poppytea but you cant talk about extracts in there...

also im not really looking for a drink, im trying to make a smokable tar that i could huff off of foil or put in a cigarette.

RE: Opium from seeds? - KoneserTanichWin - 05.10.2024

I'm honestly more than interested to hear about the results of your potential attempt, keep us updated once you actually do it Smile