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RE: Najlepsza substancja - Lifeisbrutal - 17.10.2023

Jakiś czas temu uważałem, że a-pvp zobaczymy czy dzisiaj się coś zmieni

RE: Najlepsza substancja - KiszczaK - 17.10.2023

Jeszcze dodam że amfetaminy fluorowe tj. 3FMA, 4-MPH i tak dalej oraz 4-HO-MET I 4-HO-MIPT.

RE: Najlepsza substancja - Szaryno123 - 29.10.2023

od niedawna 3cmc

RE: Najlepsza substancja - Lifeisbrutal - 29.10.2023

Zmieniłem myślenie a-pvp nie robi już takiego wrażenia jak kiedyś ostatnio co takiego z lepszych próbowałam to było dyso 2-fdck

RE: Najlepsza substancja - BrylancikowA - 13.11.2023

Zdecydowanie wolę benzodiazepiny ewentualnie jakieś euforyki i amfetamine

RE: Najlepsza substancja - C84S - 14.11.2023

Analog Hex , ale raz na jakiś czas.
Raz na 2-3 miesiące. Wtedy można poczuć jego prawdziwą moc. Jak się leci w ciągu to już nie jest to samo.

RE: Najlepsza substancja - Lifeisbrutal - 14.11.2023

Nie no panie i panowie teraz to tylko 3cmc bandit od Escobara

RE: Najlepsza substancja - Martin - 15.11.2023

No z najlepszych to zostało wspomnienie jak kiedyś fetka prała.

RE: Najlepsza substancja - PIXA - 15.11.2023

Martin No właśnie kiedyś teraz już tego nie ma

RE: Najlepsza substancja - horsii - 15.11.2023

chemsshop these are precursor, as the product name states. It is NOT a finished product and it does not work straight out of the bag. You need to finish it by yourself using  some pyrex-like glass containers and a lesat most basic knowledge of chemistry. Of course if you decide to make it in home conditions, quality wouldnt rather be very high. if you want pure, snow white powdered cannabinoids, which work great i'd tell you to first  invest in real glass lab equipment, not a piece of glass for baking christmas cakes. Home made fiinsihed product does not necessarily have to be bad. Could be "pretty ok", but i've also seen ones that i would descrie only as "holy fuck, get this away from me" It is dependent 

5cl precursor is a almost finished noid MDMB-4en-PINACA (incorrectly known as 5cl-adb-a), and it consists of enire stucture of this noid, minus the "tail" part in this cas e known as "part 1" or something similar)  part of structure which is supposed to be on the indazole's 1-nitrogen. Since internatonal control of synthetic cannabinods is getting very strict, labs are switching to selling almost finished products which you can convert to final form by yourself, basically by conducting a very basic reaction of attaching the tail ("part 2") thus creating the full, psychoacive structure. 

Usually in every single "cannabinoid kit", the main part - indazole, linker all the rest is "part 1" or "element 1" etc., and the much smaller tails or simple strcutures that can funciton as simple tails you need to attach to firrst ntrogen atom of Elemen1 to get a working drug is called similarily -  "part  2" / "element 2". Usually its done wih potassium carbonate and DMF.  

Some vendrors include these two in adequate amounts in ready cannabinid kits, some don't, so check the products.

ADB-B is for adb-butinaca. All is the same as before with only difference being is attachment of different tail, in this case 1-bromobutane.  (bromine atom is needed so it can "attach" to first nitrogen atom at indazole during a chemical reaction, so no, you're not gonna be smoking elemental bromine

5F is a precurdor for 5F-ADB. Still, rules are the same as befor. The "tail" however changes to 1-bromo-5-flu
Some sellers include instructions how to do all of this, but the quality is varied. I've seen really godo descibed process from start to finish, and ai've seen some of these so called  "recipes" (i guess such sound more like badly written recipe for some kind of soup, rather than a description of relatively simple chemical reaction.

 Some vendors do not describe preparation at all, and don't even include important informaton like proportions of each  ngredient.  and just send you the both parts without telling the customer how to finish the produc. Even if you get the "soup recipe one" and i seems to be working, i'd  still rather recommend dabbling a little deeper into baisc chemistry since you can get much, much larger amount of extremely stronger produc t.