Forum TOR
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12.09.2024, 19:32
Im really bummed out because even though it was objectively not a big order, for me it was and I am not that well if, financially, to take such a loss with grace. But I guess all I can do is hope for the vendor to at least respond, even if his response is "Nope no refund/reship" .. why is this guy partnered on the Forum if he logs in, checks posts about himself, then logs out without responding? lol
12.09.2024, 23:07
Mordo czekaj na odpowiedź i pewnie sklep wyśle ci jeszcze raz paczke jeśli była lipa
13.09.2024, 10:52
Bungee54 " why is this guy partnered on the Forum if he logs in, checks posts about himself, then logs out without responding? lol" - because anyone can buy such advertising for themselves, the Administration is not obliged to verify vendors, this is done by our users writing reviews of the store and their products.
13.09.2024, 16:13
thanks for clarifying. i dont know why but it felt like some vetting was done since mods once discouraged me from buying from a particular vendor here because of scam potential.
i just hope this vendor starts replying to email so my hard earned money didnt just go down the drain...
i just hope this vendor starts replying to email so my hard earned money didnt just go down the drain...
13.09.2024, 22:20
Haha... Czyli polecacie wstrzymać się z zamówieniem? Już miałem gotowy do opłacenia koszyk, ale jak przeczytałem opinie postanawiam poczekać.
Designer-Chems do you respond your customers?
Miałemn zamawiać Bromazolam powder i kratom. (ktoś wie gdzie drzemie Brom w prochu > proszę uprzejmie pw )
Designer-Chems do you respond your customers?
Miałemn zamawiać Bromazolam powder i kratom. (ktoś wie gdzie drzemie Brom w prochu > proszę uprzejmie pw )