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Śmieszne/ciekawe zgony/hospitalizacje po RC w literaturze medycznej
02.09.2023, 13:51
Kolejne przeturbienie: alfa-PiHP, MDMA, 4-CMC, hex-en i cocainum. Oczywiście w Polsce, bo gdzie.
Cytat:An 18-year-old man was found dead in the morning in an apart-
ment. He was last seen alive the previous evening, lying down in bed. At
night, it was heard that he was wheezing. The family testified that the
man regularly used drugs, including NPS. After administration of them,
he was usually agitated – he was running, hallucinating and talking to
himself. When he calmed down, he lay down and slept for 24 h. He also
drank alcohol (beer).
Cytat:As a result of the performed analyses, the presence of α-PiHP was
detected in the blood, urine, bile and all body tissues. Exemplary MRM
chromatograms of α-PiHP in the blood and the liver are presented in
Fig. 2. Moreover, 4-chloromethcathinone (4-CMC) and N-ethylhexe-
drone were determined in the urine and bile. Benzoylecgonine was
detected in urine and traces of N-ethylhexedrone were present in the
lungs and brain. The presence of benzoylecgonine and MDMA were also
uncovered in the hair sample. The concentrations of the detected sub-
stances are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The analyses did not reveal any
other substances (including alcohol, classic drugs as well as other NPS)